All the latest from The ValPal Network

Introducing Connect – the new ValPal feature that will make your phone ring.
These days, investing money in marketing to get new vendor and landlord leads is not an option. The question is not if you’ll be using marketing, it’s what kind of marketing will benefit my agency the most?
And we understand when sometimes, agents tell us they don’t see any return on all the marketing money they spend. After looking after many of them and supporting them for years, we’ve found that it’s not actually the marketing tools they use (which generate a significant amount of leads for them) but how they approach and nurture those leads.
It’s understandable that within busy offices, inbound leads can sometimes be overlooked or lost in inboxes full of emails.
If you own an agency, we know how frustrating it can be to miss opportunities. When you’re investing time and money in marketing tools, processes and staff, you can’t bear to even think about leads sitting idle and uncontacted.
We’ve been doing some research and our data show that responding to a lead within the first minute, increases the chances of conversion by 391%.
Wow, that’s high! But how many teams can actually achieve that?
After that, if you contact the lead In the first 5 minutes after receiving, the chances of converting are still good - 21 times more effective than responding after 30 minutes.
But after 5 minutes, the odds of qualifying a lead drop by 80%. A single minute can make a massive difference!
So, what are you going to do to speed up the contact with your leads the instant they request their online valuation?
How can I contact my lead within the first minute?
We know this has been tricky (and sometimes not possible) so far. Again, busy offices make the whole process difficult. But speed to lead is key to increasing your conversions and you need to ensure your team is responsive to your inbound leads. No excuses!
That’s why we’ve developed Connect.
Connect is the new ValPal feature that will automatically call your office and put you in touch with your new ValPal leads as soon as they make the enquiry.
When prospective vendors or landlords come across your agency, they’ll use ValPal to fill in their property details and personal information to get their online valuation.
Connect will automatically call your office telling you that you have a new lead (the call will announce the lead source, the name, the postcode and the valuation) and will ask you if you want to speak to them. If so, you or your team have only to accept the call to be in touch with them immediately. So, you don’t have to do anything at all, but pick up the phone – it couldn’t be easier.
How much is this going to cost me?
This is the best part. We’ve developed Connect to provide our estate and letting agents with a better service, so they can maximise their opportunities in this increasingly competitive market.
You’ll have Connect at no extra cost, and if you’re a MovePal user, you’ll also be able to follow up on your leads via email after the call by deciding where you want to place the lead (this can be Valuation Booked, Nurturing or Unsubscribe). Connect will also call your office when a client engages whilst being nurtured by MovePal.
All calls are recorded, so you’ll be able to review them and provide training where necessary. Also, you’ll see how many calls were accepted by the team, and how many inbound leads your team declined to connect.
Let your phone ring you with more opportunities. Never miss one again!
If you want more information and to find out more about Connect and how you can boost your marketing and maximise instructions, please get in touch with us by email or give us a call on 020 8663 4930.

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